By the way...the gas masks arrived yesterday with a courier without a flaw. I didn't tip him. I put them in the basement, in our bomb shelter room. The children do not know of their arrival. Now I have to order one for my Mum.
By the way...MG decided finally to leave her dancing class. "I'm not that good Mummy," she said. When a dancing school manager called yesterday to ask why she left, MG politely told her on the phone she does not want to dance anymore. I explained to the manager, in a very civil tone, that MG doesn't want to contine dancing because she thinks she is not good enough. "Unfortunately, that's the message she got from you all along. So now she has decided to leave," I told the woman. "And what is a real pity is that she is leaving with the feeling that she is not a good dancer, which is a shame. Because she may not want to try out any other dancing class." The manager asked us to reconsider, saying they will help MG all they can so she can learn the steps. I said we'd think about it. But MG has moved on already. She doesn't look back.
Photo caption: Lot's wife looked back - Mount Sodom.
6 months ago